Development log 4: Mid-production, sprint 1

Hello and welcome to the next development week of

First of all, we have an update for our controls (just to tease you with new features we want to add)

Alright, formalities done, let's get to fun! We have added a couple of new features which make our project more and more playable in an arcade way!

Loots&Vaults: get more gold, get better ship!

The looting system has been succesfully merged with the leveling system. Now you can get upgrades for your ship for stashing a specific amount of loot at the vault-islands. The amount of loot needed for the next level up  grows with each upgrade you receive. Fortunately, there is plenty of treasures in the sand-sea! 

Notice how the purple bar shows how much points you need till next level up!

The leveling system gives a random stat boost on each level up. Right now you can upgrade ship's maximum health, damage dealt with cannonballs and TurboDash reserve. More upgrades coming soon!

Desert strikes back: Tornado and SunBurn

As mentioned before, enemy ships are not the only danger of the sand-sea! In order to make desert adventures more dangerous and fun we introduce to you Tornados and SunBurns! Both sandy phenomenons are deadly and play a specific role in the sea of sands!

Don't let them catch you!

Tornados are moving around the level and are unpredictable by nature. They are able to suck in any ship and the only way to avaoid any damage from it is keeping your distance. If by any chance you get caught by one of those wind-devils, make sure to use your TurboDash to escape as soon as possible, otherwise the damge might be lethal!

The worst sunbath you will ever get!

SunBurn is an area of ultra-high sun activity! Inside of this area all life dies, ship's body burns and crew accumulates thirst. Such areas are usually small, but some cases would take about 10 seconds to cross, which might be as long as your pirate solarium dures. Sometimes it is worth crossing, but we recommend to not even touch it. Especially if there are Tornados luring around. These two types of environmental dangers work well together against any brave sailor.

The population grows: more ships - more fun

We are working on 5 different types of ships for the people of the desert-sea. Besides player's fast and modifiable sloop there also are lightweight scout ships, medium patrol ships, heavy armored ships and merchant boats.

It gets too lively in the desert!

Right now we have a system that spawns different ships here and there in the desert, so you will never be alone with the sands! We also tweaked movement a little by adding some momentum to ships!

In the mean time, our artists finish the visual base of the game. Soon it will look not only fun but also pretty!


Each week we get closer to making the desert-sea be an ultimate sandbox with pirates, monsters and treasures. Stay tuned to dive deep into hot sands of our game!


Sand&Rum_Build_W05.rar 17 MB
Mar 16, 2021

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