Development log 6: Starting sprint 2

Dear friends! We are starting the new production sprint! We have planned quite a lot and will have to go all out in order to get everything working smoothly...

But it's a new weekly update and we finally have a cool playble game! The loop is there: start - play - die - start again! So you can already enjoy and test Sand&Rum as a whole game!
Let's take a closer look at things that made it possible!

Menu&Hi-scores: leave your signature in leaderboards!

Our game now has a menu that allows you to start the game and see hi-scores!

You have to start with something

History is always written by the winners

The scores are saved externally on your platform so even if you close the game, your deed will not be forgoten! It still is quite raw but we already know how to fix and upgrade it! It will get better and prettier. Meanwhile the basic functionality works and after death you can choose to stay try your luck once more or go back to the main menu.

Heroes among us

Enemy update: more and stronger!

The enemies in the game are finally looking distinctive and have different characteristics. The spawning mechanism is also  overhauled, now the whole world feels alive and changing with time. Moreover, the enemies won't remain as weak as they are in the beginning of each round! They also evolve and there is more and more of them on the map! Always stay alert! The desert leaves no quarter to the weak!

They won't let you rest!

Small things: comfortable combat!

We also added some pieces of visual assist like cooldown timer for cannons and seeing through rocks if they are in the way:

Don't press anything to reload

See what you should see

The visuals are also evolving with all the mechanics and features that were added! Check out these new things our artists work on!


That is it for now, folks, but we will surely come back with more awesome stuff! Till next week, sand-pirates!


Sand&Rum_Build_W07.rar 39 MB
Mar 30, 2021

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